A Circumnavigation of Iceland - Lindblad

Main Destination Iceland from $10,172.00 USD per pp 11 Days Tour

A Circumnavigation of Iceland - Lindblad

Experience the geological extremes on one of the world’s youngest islands. Walk on lava fields and ice sheets. Feel the wondrous power of hot springs and waterfalls. Cruise into the Westfjords and spot nesting sea birds. Hike along magnificent stretches of coast. Icelandic experts and musicians add insight and energy to the expedition.

Ships: National Geographic Endurance and National Geographic Explorer


  • Circumnavigate the Island of Fire and Ice, from its wealth of wildlife and striking geological formations, to its cultural history steeped in saga and exploration history
  • Explore a variety of landscapes across the island from lava fields, seismic faults, geothermal springs, and thundering waterfalls
  • Hike up mountain trails, kayak in protected fjords, bike through remote villages, or take a Zodiac cruise around a seabird colony
  • Experience traditional Icelandic life from the once-booming herring industry to eiderdown production
  • Extend your expedition with a tour of the Golden Circle or the Snæfellsnes Peninsula



Reykjavík, Iceland / Embark Ship

Arrive in Reykjavík, the world’s northernmost capital, which lies just below the Arctic Circle. Transfer from the airport and spend the day exploring the sights, sounds, and tastes of this Arctic capital before embarking the ship in the afternoon.

Arrival Time: Arrive by 10:00 a.m.

Arrival City: Reykjavík, Iceland

Meals Included: Lunch, Dinner


Flatey Island

Explore Iceland’s western frontier, visiting Flatey Island, a trading post for many centuries turned sleepy summer islet. Walk around the charming little hamlet that has survived, and hike across trails that trace the path past seasonal puffin population on the cliffs.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Explore the beautiful and peaceful Westfjords region of Iceland. Perhaps take a hike to a remote waterfall or a Zodiac cruise alongside stunning scenery. Enter Ísafjarðardjúp and land at Vigur Island to visit the Eider Farm and learn about the down cleaning process.  

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Siglufjördur was the center of Iceland’s once-thriving herring industry. We stop by the Herring Museum for a salting demonstration and a tasting. Enjoy the surroundings of Iceland's northern most mainland settlement by joining the local forestry association for an afternoon of conservation in their local woods.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Húsavík, the site of the first house built in Iceland, is our gateway to the geological exploration of northern Iceland. Depart for a full day overland visiting one of the largest waterfalls in Iceland, Goðafoss, as well as the Lake Mývatn area, the most geologically active area in Iceland. Alternatively, enjoy an adventurous journey through Ásbyrgi Canyon, said to be formed from the hoof of Odin, filled with hiking and waterfall exploration, or stay along the coast and take a slower pace to the day with forest bathing, bird watching, and a soak in the GeoSea bath.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Grímsey / At Sea

This morning, take Zodiacs ashore to the tiny island of Grímsey, which lies exactly on the Arctic Circle. Here we celebrate being officially in the Arctic, in the company of nesting arctic terns, fulmars, and puffins in burrows. Enjoy an afternoon at sea as we sail around the northern corner of Iceland to start our journey south.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Arrive in Djúpivogur and drive down the coast to explore the foot of the vast Vatnajökull icecap and the deep blue icebergs of the large ice lagoon of Jökulsárlón. Alternatively, go by 4x4 vehicle to visit some of the secluded valleys and remote waterfalls in the countryside around Djúpivogur or join a hike to the black sand beaches of southern Iceland.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Arrive in Djúpivogur and drive down the coast to explore the foot of the vast Vatnajökull icecap and the deep blue icebergs of the large ice lagoon of Jökulsárlón. Alternatively, go by 4x4 vehicle to visit some of the secluded valleys and remote waterfalls in the countryside around Djúpivogur or join a hike to the black sand beaches of southern Iceland.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Islands of Heimaey and Surtsey, Westman Islands

Islands of Heimaey and Surtsey, Westman Islands

The Westman Islands were formed by undersea volcanoes between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago and are among the youngest of the world’s archipelagos. In 1963, the world witnessed on film the birth of its newest island, Surtsey—a UNESCO World Heritage site—which we see as we cruise past the coast. In 1973, Heimaey was threatened by lava flows that nearly closed off its harbor. We visit the crater, where the earth is still hot, for amazing views of areas that had been engulfed by lava.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



Arrive in Djúpivogur and drive down the coast to explore the foot of the vast Vatnajökull icecap and the deep blue icebergs of the large ice lagoon of Jökulsárlón. Alternatively, go by 4x4 vehicle to visit some of the secluded valleys and remote waterfalls in the countryside around Djúpivogur or join a hike to the black sand beaches of southern Iceland.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Reykjavík / Disembark Ship

Today, disembark in Reykjavík and transfer to the airport for flights home. For those with later flights, take a morning excursion and then transfer to the airport for flights home.

Departure Time: Depart anytime after 10:30 a.m.

Departure City: Reykjavík, Iceland

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch

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