Lindblad Expeditions

There's always more to discover!

For over 50 years, Lindblad Expeditions has navigated the seas to enchanting destinations, both nearby and distant, fueled by a relentless pursuit of discovery. We invite adventurous travelers to join us in the exhilarating quest to unveil the world's untamed secrets. Each expedition reaffirms our fundamental belief: the boundless potential of our planet—offering new experiences, deepened knowledge, and a greater understanding of our responsibility to safeguard its wealth of natural and cultural treasures.

Travel in Good Company

The founders of expedition cruising

In 1966, when Lars-Eric Lindblad spearheaded expeditions to Antarctica and ventured to the Galápagos in 1967, he etched his name in history as the pioneer who introduced private citizens to these extraordinary wildernesses. Widely recognized as the progenitor of ecotourism, he envisioned travel as a remarkable avenue to unveil the wonders of the world to individuals, prompting them to reconsider their perspectives on the planet and recognize our collective responsibility in its preservation.

Linblad Destinations

Providing travelers with over 100 itineraries spanning all seven continents, we depend on our remarkable fleet of expedition ships—unrivaled in the industry for their advanced capabilities. Crafted to be small and nimble, these vessels enable you to venture further into remote locations, facilitating quick disembarkation to maximize your exploration time. Purposefully designed for each destination, our ships aim to create a meaningful connection between you and the wild surroundings, enhancing your travel experience.

Lindblad Expedition Fleet

The Lindblad fleet comprises 17 expedition ships, navigating to the planet's most untamed and intriguing destinations, seamlessly blending the luxury of comfort with state-of-the-art tools for exploration. Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic prioritizes the safe access to the planet's wildest and most remote locations, pairing it with the expertise of top professionals and a commitment to comfort. At the heart of expedition life lies a focus on community and insight, shaping an enriching and unforgettable travel experience.